Yoga Teacher
Learn more about our yoga teacher trainings below. We offer 200 hour teacher training, 300 hour teacher training, and meditation training.
“Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.”
– The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is the first step you will take towards becoming a Yoga Teacher. The course is designed so that all students are able to teach a class upon completion. However, the course will provide a deeper understanding of yoga through a study of the traditional roots of Hatha Yoga from India. Studies will include, philosophy, pranayama, meditation, Yoga Sutras, anatomy and poses. Application and interview required.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is for those students of yoga that already have a teaching practice and wish to further their practice and deepen their understanding of traditional Indian Hatha Yoga. The course explores deeper aspects of meditation, philosophy, pranayama and anatomy, which maintaining respect to the Hatha Yoga lineage. Application and Interview required.

Meditation Training
Meditation’s origins come from the Eastern Traditions including Tao, Zen, Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism and more. Meditation is not a practice or a doing; rather it is an experience. Students taking this training will be required to maintain a steady meditation practice throughout the training and ultimately will learn techniques in line with the roots of meditation from the East.